Archives For 30 November 1999

Data security is getting more and more important these days. Imaging you work as a sysadmin, on a laptop, and it gets lost. Of course you might lose your work (but you have a backup, right?). The real problem: your sensible data (SSH private key for example) is no longer under your control.

In this blog I explain how you can add an encrypted partition to Linux. As long as you also use a password protected screensaver, with a decent password (to protect a running, logged in laptop), no one can access your data. Even rebooting into single user mode (to by-pass the login screen) won’t help. No access to the encrypted disk without a working passphrase. Wiping your disk and reinstall is an option, but your data is not unveiled.

LUKS: Linux Unified Key Setup
Linux ships with LUKS, that is short for ‘Linux Unified Key Setup’. It’s a tool and technique to setup encrypted devices. This device can be a laptop harddisk, but also a USB-pendrive or a virtual disk (when you have a virtualized server). Encryption with LUKS works on the block level, so filesystems above it are not even aware. This is nice, because it also means you can use LVM inside a LUKS encrypted block device. The encrypted drive is protected with a passphrase that you need to enter at boot.

Below I’ll show you how to set it up. Be aware we are formatting partitions. In other words, you will lose all data on the partition you will experiment with. For testing purposes, use a USB-pendrive or a spare partition. I’m using a virtual disk called /dev/sdc for this demo.

Note: you need the kernel module dm_crypt loaded for this to work.

modprobe dm_crypt

Don’t forget to make it persistent after a reboot.

To format the partition:

cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/sdc


This will overwrite data on /dev/sdc irrevocably.

Are you sure? (Type uppercase yes): YES
Enter LUKS passphrase: 
Verify passphrase:

Now that the encrypted disk is created, we’ll open it:

cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdc encrypted_disk


Enter passphrase for /dev/sdc:

To unlock the disk, you need to enter the passphrase you just set. You need to do this every time you want to unlock the disk.

The ‘encrypted_disk‘ part of the command above, is used to map a device name to your encrypted disk. In this case: ‘/dev/mapper/encrypted_disk’ is created. So, the encrypted disk called ‘/dev/sdc’ now has an extra name to refer to its unlocked state called ‘/dev/mapper/encrypted_disk’. This device is also a block device, on which you could run ‘fdisk’ or ‘mkfs.ext4’, etc.

But stop, before you do that. When you’d like to use multiple partitions, I’d suggest using LVM inside the encrypted disk. This isn’t visible from outside; only when you’ve unlocked it the LVM partitions appear. It prevents from entering a password for each and every encrypted disk you create. Also, LVM is more flexible in resizing its logical volumes.

Let me show you how to setup LVM on the encrypted disk:

pvcreate /dev/mapper/encrypted_disk


Physical volume "/dev/mapper/encrypted_disk" successfully created 
vgcreate encrypted /dev/mapper/encrypted_disk


Volume group "encrypted" successfully created
lvcreate encrypted --name disk1 --size 10G


Logical volume "disk1" created
lvcreate encrypted --name disk2 --size 10G


Logical volume "disk2" created

You now have two more block devices called ‘/dev/encrypted/disk1’ and ‘/dev/encrypted/disk2’. Let’s put a file system on top of them:

mkfs.ext4 -m0 /dev/encrypted/disk1
mkfs.ext4 -m0 /dev/encrypted/disk2

The two encrypted partitions are now ready to be used. Let’s mount them somewhere:

mkdir -p /mnt/disk1 /mnt/disk2
mount /dev/encrypted/disk1 /mnt/disk1
mount /dev/encrypted/disk2 /mnt/disk2

This works all pretty cool already. But when you reboot, you’ll have to run:

cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdc encrypted_disk
lvchange --activate y encrypted/disk1
lvchange --activate y encrypted/disk2
mount /dev/encrypted/disk1 /mnt/disk1
mount /dev/encrypted/disk2 /mnt/disk2

Entering the passphrase is required after the first command. Line 2 scans for new LVM devices (because when unlocking the encrypted device, a new block device appears). Line 3 and 4 activate the two logical volumes, and finally they are mounted.

Automating these steps
It is possible to automate this. That is, Linux will then ask for the passphrase at boot time and mount everything for you. Just think about that for a while. When booting a laptop this is probably what you want. But if it is a server in a remote location, it might not, as you need to enter it on the (virtual) console for it to continue booting. No SSH access at that time.

Anyway, you need to do two things. First is to tell Linux to unlock the encrypted device at boot time. Second is to mount the logical volumes.

To start, lookup the UUID of the encrypted disk, /dev/sdc:

cryptsetup luksDump /dev/sdc | grep UUID

The result should be something like:

UUID: b8f60c1d-ffeb-4aaf-8368-9e5d4d29fc52

Open /etc/crypttab and enter this line:

encrypted_disk UUID=b8f60c1d-ffeb-4aaf-8368-9e5d4c29fc52 none

The first field is the name of the device that is created, use the same as when using luksOpen above. The second field is the UUID we just found. The final field is the password, but this should be set to ‘none‘ as this prompts for the passphrase. Entering the passphrase in this file is a bad idea, if you ask me.

Final step is to setup /etc/fstab to mount the encrypted disks automatically. Add these lines:

/dev/encrypted/disk1 /mnt/disk1 ext4 defaults 0 0
/dev/encrypted/disk2 /mnt/disk2 ext4 defaults 0 0

I’m using device names here, because LVM gives me the /dev/encrypted/disk[12] name every time. When you did not use LVM, it’s probably wise to use UUID’s in /etc/fstab instead. This makes sure the right filesystem is mounted, regardless of the device’s name.

Time to reboot. During this reboot, Linux will ask for the passphrase of the /dev/sdc device. On RHEL 6 it looks like:

RHEL 6 asks for the LUKS passphrase of /dev/sdc during boot

RHEL 6 asks for the LUKS passphrase of /dev/sdc during boot

It might look different on your OS. The Ubuntu version looks a bit prettier, for example.

Enter the passphrase, hit enter, and Linux should continue booting normally. Then login to the console (or SSH) and verify if the two disks are mounted.

/dev/mapper/encrypted-disk1 on /mnt/disk1 type ext4 (rw)
/dev/mapper/encrypted-disk2 on /mnt/disk2 type ext4 (rw)

Ubuntu makes this very easy to setup: they just have a checkbox during install that says ‘encrypt disk’ and will setup LUKS. But, you end up with everything in one big / partition without LVM. That’s why I prefer to configure it myself, and with these instructions so can you.

It is cool that these security features are now mainstream and easy to use. Do yourself a favor, and setup LUKS today!

I’ve been building redundant storage solutions for years. At first, I used it for our webcluster storage. Nowadays it’s the base of our CloudStack Cloud-storage. If you ask me, the best way to create a redundant pair of Linux storage servers using Open Source software, is to use DRBD. Over the years it has proven to be rock solid to me.

DRBD is a Distributed Replicated Block Device. You can think of DRBD as RAID-1 between two servers. Data is mirrored from the primary to the secondary server. When the primary fails, the secondary takes over and all services remain online. DRBD provides tools for failover but it does not handled the actual failover. Cluster management software like Heartbeat and PaceMaker are made for this.

In this post I’ll show you how to install and configure DRBD, create file systems using LVM2 on top of the DRBD device, serve the file systems using NFS and manage the cluster using Heartbeat.

Installing and configuring DRBD
I’m using mostly Debian so I’ll focus on this OS. I did setup DRBD on CentOS as well. You need to use the ELREPO repository to find the right packages.

Squeeze-backports has a newer version of DRBD. If you, like me, want to use this version instead of the one in Squeeze itself, use this method to do so:

echo "
deb squeeze-backports main contrib non-free
" >> /etc/apt/sources.list

echo "Package: drbd8-utils
Pin: release n=squeeze-backports
Pin-Priority: 900
" > /etc/apt/preferences.d/drbd

Then install the DRBD utils:

apt-get update
apt-get install drbd8-utils

As the DRBD-servers work closely together, it’s important to keep the time synchronised. Install a NTP system for this job.

apt-get install ntp ntpdate

You also need a kernel module but that one is in the stock Debian kernel. If you’re compiling kernels yourself, make sure to include this module. When you’re ready, load the module:

modprobe drbd

Verify if all went well by checking the active modules:

lsmod | grep drbd

The expected output is something like:

drbd 191530 4 
lru_cache 12880 1 drbd
cn 12933 1 drbd

Most online tutorials instruct you to edit ‘/etc/drbd.conf’. I’d suggest not to touch that file and create one in /etc/drbd.d/ instead. That way, your changes are never overwritten and it’s clear what local changed you made.

vim /etc/drbd.d/redundantstorage.res

Enter this configuration:

resource redundantstorage {
 protocol C;
 startup { wfc-timeout 0; degr-wfc-timeout 120; }

disk { on-io-error detach; }
 on {
  device /dev/drbd0;
  disk /dev/sda3;
  meta-disk internal;
 on {
  device /dev/drbd0;
  disk /dev/sda3;
  meta-disk internal;

Make sure your hostnames match the hostnames in this config file as it will not work otherwise. To see the current hostname, run:

uname -n

Modify /etc/hosts, /etc/resolv.conf and/or /etc/hostname to your needs and do not continue until the actual hostname matches the one you set in the configuration above.

Also, make sure you did all the steps so far on both servers.

It’s now time to initialise the DRBD device:

drbdadm create-md redundantstorage
drbdadm up redundantstorage
drbdadm attach redundantstorage
drbdadm syncer redundantstorage
drbdadm connect redundantstorage

Run this on the primary server only:

drbdadm -- --overwrite-data-of-peer primary redundantstorage

Monitor the progress:

cat /proc/drbd

Start the DRBD service on both servers:

service drbd start

You now have a raw block device on /dev/drbd0 that is synced from the primary to the secondary server.

Using the DRBD device
Let’s create a filesystem on our new DRBD device. I prefer using LVM since that makes it easy to manage the partitions later on. But you may also simply use the /dev/drbd0 device as any block device on its own.

Initialize LVM2:

pvcreate /dev/drbd0
vgcreate redundantstorage /dev/drbd0

We now have a LVM2 volume group called ‘redundantstorage’ on device /dev/drbd0

Create the desired LVM partitions on it like this:

lvcreate -L 1T -n web_files redundantstorage
lvcreate -L 250G -n other_files redundantstorage

The partitions you create are named like the volume group. You can now use ‘/dev/redundantstorage/web_files’ and ‘/dev/redundantstorage/other_files’ like you’d otherwise use ‘/dev/sda3’ etc.

Before we can actually use them, we need to create a file system on top:

mkfs.ext4 /dev/redundantstorage/web_files
mkfs.ext4 /dev/redundantstorage/other_files

Finally, mount the file systems:

mkdir /redundantstorage/web_files
mkdir /redundantstorage/other_files
mount /dev/redundantstorage/web_files /redundantstorage/web_files
mount /dev/redundantstorage/other_files /redundantstorage/other_files

Using the DRBD file systems
Two more steps are needed to set up before we can test our new redundant storage cluster: Heartbeat to manage the cluster and NFS to make use of it. Let’s start with NFS, so Heartbeat will be able to manage that late on as well.

To install NFS server, simply run:

apt-get install nfs-kernel-server

Then setup what folders you want to export using your NFS server.

vim /etc/exports

And enter this configuration:


Pay attention to the the ‘fsid’ parameter. It is really important because it tells the clients that the file system on the primary and secondary are both the same. If you omit this parameter, the clients will ‘hang’ and wait for the old primary to come back online after a fail over happens. Since this is not what we want, we need to tell the clients the other server is simply the same. Fail-over will then happen almost without notice. Most tutorials I read do not tell you about this crucial step.

Make sure you have all this setup on both servers. Since we want Heartbeat to manage our NFS server, we need not to start NFS on boot. To do that, run:

update-rc.d -f nfs-common remove
update-rc.d -f nfs-kernel-server remove

Basic Heartbeat configuration
Install the heartbeat packages is simple:

apt-get install heartbeat

If you’re on CentOS, have a look at the EPEL repository. I’ve successfully setup Heartbeat with those packages as well.

To configure Heartbeat:

vim /etc/ha.d/

Enter this configuration:

autojoin none
auto_failback off
keepalive 2
warntime 5
deadtime 10
initdead 20
bcast eth0
logfile /var/log/heartbeat-log
debugfile /var/log/heartbeat-debug

I set ‘auto_failback’ to off, since I do not want another fail-over when the old primary comes back. If your primary server has better hardware than the secondary one, you may want to set this to ‘on’ instead.

The parameter ‘deadtime’ tells Heartbeat to declare the other node dead after this many seconds. Heartbeat will send a heartbeat every ‘keepalive’ number of seconds.

Protect your heartbeat setup with a password:

echo "auth 3
3 md5 your_secret_password
" > /etc/ha.d/authkeys
chmod 600 /etc/heartbeat/authkeys

You need to select an ip-address that will be your ‘service’-address. Both servers have their own 10.10.0.x ip-address, so choose another one in the same range. I use in this example. Why we need this? Simply because you cannot know to which server you should connect. That’s why we will instruct Heartbeat to manage an extra ip-address and make that alive on the current primary server. When clients connect to this ip-address it will always work.

In the ‘haresources’ file you describe all services Heartbeat manages. In our case, these services are:
– service ip-address
– DRBD disk
– LVM2 service
– Two filesystems
– NFS daemons

Enter them in the order they need to start. When shutting down, Heartbeat will run them in reversed order.

vim /etc/ha.d/haresources

Enter this configuration: \
IPaddr:: \
drbddisk::redundantstorage \
lvm2 \
Filesystem::/dev/redundantstorage/web_files::/redundantstorage/web_files::ext4::nosuid,usrquota,noatime \
Filesystem::/dev/redundantstorage/other_files::/redundantstorage/other_files::ext4::nosuid,usrquota,noatime \
nfs-common \

Use the same Heartbeat configuration on both servers. In the ‘haresources’ file you specify one of the nodes to be the primary. In our case it’s ‘storage-server0’. When this server is or becomes unavailable, Heartbeat will start the services it knows on the other node, ‘storage-server1’ in this case (as specified in the config file).

Wrapping up
DRBD combined with Heartbeat and NFS creates a powerful, redundant storage solution all based on Open Source software. When using the right hardware you will be able to achieve great performance with this setup as well. Think about RAID controllers with SSD-cache and don’t forget the Battery Backup Unit so you can enable the Write Back Cache.

Enjoy building your redundant storage!