Archives For 31 March 2014

Here are the slides from my presentation at the CloudStack Collaboration Conference in Denver:


CloudStack Collaboration ConferenceAs you might have noticed, I switched jobs on Feb 1st and was quite busy after that. I joined Schuberg Philis, a Mission Critical Outsourcing company in The Netherlands. I met the folks on the CloudStack Collaboration Conference in Amsterdam, back in November. I have a very cool job, as I work with a bunch of very skilled colleagues on our Mission Critical Cloud, that is powered by Apache CloudStack.

The last two months I spent quite some time working with CloudStack, debugging issues and most of all: building new capacity and migrating old so-called PODs to new ones. Recently, CloudStack 4.3 was released and I believe this is the best release ever. Feels “snappier”, has lots of fixes and new cool features. We upgraded our pre-production cloud (running ~600 VMs) and apart from one little issue everything went smooth. Impressed!

Next week, I’ll be in Denver, CO at the CloudStack Collaboration Conference. I’ll do a talk and explain why you should use configuration management and will show you how to implement configuration management in your existing environment using 5 steps. This can be quite challenging, because when a lot of manual work is done, people are usually very busy. How do you find the time to implement configuration management?

Meet me in Denver on April 9-11!