Archives For 30 November 1999

Watch my talk about how we do CloudStack Operations. It eas presented at the CloudStack Collaboration Conference in Dublin, on October 9th 2015.

The slides can be found in this post, and the code can be found on Github.

Watch my keynote about the “The Mission Critical Cloud” at CloudStack Collaboration Conference in Dublin, on October 8th 2015.

The slides can be found in this post.

Watch my talk “Operating CloudStack – Sharing my Tool Box” that I presented at CloudStack Day Austin, on April 16th 2015.

The talk was originally written for ApacheCon North America and I presented it there a few days earlier. It was great to be able to do the talk again and reach an even bigger audience!

The slides can be found in this post, and the code can be found on Github.

At CloudStack Day I had a ~25 minute slot, instead of a 45 minute slot at ApacheCon, so it had to be a bit fast 😉

Watch my talk “Start using Configuration Management in 5 steps”, at the CloudStack Collaboration Conference, Denver, Co, USA (April 9-11 2014).

Configuration management in an Enterprise Linux Team — How I automated myself out of my job

Thanks to the FOSDEM video team for this video! It nicely integrates the slides and me talking! It’s just a pity the sound from the camera was used instead of the mic I was wearing. Therefore you hear a lot of noises from the people outside the room, on the hallway (there were >100 people that did not fit in the room anymore!). But anyway, enjoy the recording 🙂