Archives For 30 November 1999

At DevOpsDays Amsterdam 2016 I hosted a 3 hour hands-on workshop with my colleague Fred Neubauer. In these 3 hours we had 12 people build their own cloud based on Cosmic Cloud. It was great fun!

DevOpsDays Amsterdam 2016 Cosmic workshop

The slides are here:

Watch my talk about how we do CloudStack Operations. It eas presented at the CloudStack Collaboration Conference in Dublin, on October 9th 2015.

The slides can be found in this post, and the code can be found on Github.

Watch my keynote about the “The Mission Critical Cloud” at CloudStack Collaboration Conference in Dublin, on October 8th 2015.

The slides can be found in this post.

Here are the slides from my talk about CloudStack automation, at the CloudStack Collaboration Conference in Dublin today.

Here are the slides from my keynote presentation at the CloudStack Collaboration Conference in Dublin today.

Tomorrow I’ll do another presentation and talk about automation cloud operations!