Archives For 30 November 1999

OpenVPN is a very powerful tool to connect to a remote network in a secure and easy way. But while it’s quite easy to set it up (see my post about OpenVPN on Raspberry Pi), getting all the pieces together takes some more network understanding and configuration. I created an image to show what’s going on when a OpenVPN client connects to the server.

OpenVPN networking

The grey network is the local network you’re connecting to, the green network is created by OpenVPN. After a successful connection, the OpenVPN server can ‘push’ a route to the OpenVPN client to make it aware of the grey network that is available through the OpenVPN connection. In this case you’d add this setting to the OpenVPN server:

push "route"

Now that the OpenVPN client knows how to find the Linux server on the grey network, it should be working, right? Nope. The Linux server does not know about the green network. So, when a OpenVPN client connects with a 10.8.0.x ip-address, this server does not know where to send the response to. When this happens, the Linux server sends its traffic to the default gateway of the local network: the router of the grey network.

But unfortunately, the router does not know about the green network neither. Since 10.8.0.x is a non-routable address (RFC 1918), it drops the packets because it has no way of knowing where to find this private network. To the OpenVPN client, this may look like there’s something wrong with the VPN connection, because even a simple ping will not work and times out. In reality, this is a routing problem.

The solution? Make the Linux server or at least the router aware of the green network, and tell them where to send traffic to this network. This is done by adding a route like this:

route add -net gw

Assuming the local network ip-address of the OpenVPN server is

This way the hosts in the grey network know about the green network and send their traffic to the OpenVPN server. Of course the OpenVPN server knows how to reach the OpenVPN client and all is working!

You can extend this further and add routes to the network of the VPN client and make hosts on both networks communicate to each other. This is useful for example to connect a branch-office to the corporate network. I’ll write about this in more detail some other time.

Hopefully this post brings some insight in what goes on when using networks and VPN connections.

Sometimes it is necessary to block access from a certain ip-address. This can be done easily using route:

route add -host reject

While this works, it does not provide the best user experience because from the website now seems down, while it isn’t. A better way is to display an error message instead of the website requested.

I’m using load balancing to distribute the load to different web servers. The software in use is Keepalived. To block a given ip-address, I have the firewall tag it and then make Keepalived forward it to another web server instead. It goes like this:

iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -i eth0 \
-p tcp -s --dport http -j MARK --set-mark 2000

This iptables rule just sets a mark ‘2000’ (can be any integer) when a request from comes in for port ‘http’. In keepalived.conf we setup how to handle this fwmark:

virtual_server fwmark 2000 {

delay_loop 6
 lb_algo wlc
 lb_kind NAT
 persistence_timeout 0
 protocol TCP

real_server 80 {
 weight 1
  connect_port 80
  connect_timeout 3

As you can see, Keepalived will send the request to ‘’ which is for example an extra server. There you can display a static page with an error message explaining what’s going on. You can add more capacity by adding another ‘real_server’, if you wish. This will also distribute the load between the real_servers.

Now, when you block an ip-address, instead of the website being ‘down’, you now display an error message. Add your phone number or e-mail address so they can get in touch to fix the problem. In my experience, this approach works better and prevents urgent ‘website down’ calls.

To extend this even further, you can have a script add the fwmark rule above automatically when you detect some sort of abuse you want to block. It’s just as easy as using ‘route’!

Adding a route manually can be necessary sometimes. When on Linux, I know the command by head:

sudo route add -net gw

On the Mac the command is similar, but a bit different 🙂 Just as a note to myself and anyone else interested:

sudo route -n add -net

This sets up a route to the net through gateway First one on Linux, second one on Mac OSX.