Archives For 30 November 1999

LPICLevel3_logoToday I passed the senior level LPIC-301 core exam. I am now LPIC-3 certified!

The exam objectives are OpenLDAP and Capacity planning. Both of which I used in past projects, so I was already pretty familiar with them. In my current job I came across AD integration and Kerberos, and those were objectives as well.

In the past weeks I went through every detail of the objectives and learned some new stuff. My score on the exam was 690/800.

I’ve mainly used the IBM Developer Works LPIC-3 website, OpenLDAP manual and the LPIC-3 page hosted at As always, the man pages of the Linux commands are very useful.

After studying the materials, it’s just practice, practice, practice. I’ve setup an environment in which I could test and play with the tools and that worked really well for me.

The Security LPIC-3 specialty exam is the next one on my wish-list. I’ve already started to study it because I’m really interested in these topics.

Later this year I’ll be doing the RedHat RHCSA and RHCE exams. I’ve booked them on the same day, so that’s probably getting a bit touch 😉 But I’m looking forward to it and enjoy the steps on the certification road.

Passed LPIC-2 today!

16 January 2013 — 4 Comments

lpic2-logo-mediumAbout 2 weeks ago I wrote in a previous post about LPIC, when I had just passed the LPIC-1 exams. In the mean time I studied the objectives, read some man-pages and experimented with the things I wasn’t 100% familier with.

And today I completed LPIC-2! 🙂 There were two exams required to pass. I scored 740/800 on the 201 exam, and 730/800 on the 202 exam.

Now I’m looking forward on taking some SUSE classes and exams in a couple of weeks!

After passing my Bachelor of Computer Science I never took the time to take any specific Linux exam. But I’ve been working with Linux for about 14 years, so I know a lot about it. Now that I started my new job this month, I thought it was also time to get Linux certified.

I’ve been given the opportunity to get some training from SUSE (which is the distribution we use at work), and I’m really happy about that. Yes, I do have a nice employer 🙂

Let me tell you a bit about the different certification options for Linux. LPI is vendor neutral, whereas Red Hat and SUSE focus on their specific distributions of Linux. Still Linux, so the underlying knowledge is the same. The LPI Netherlands web site has a nice overview of all Linux certifications available (thanks!) that I’ve copied below:


lpic1_largeOne has to take the exams in the right order: start at the so called ‘Junior’-level, and work your way down. That’s why I decided to do some self-study and take the LPI-101 and LPI-102 exams to become LPIC-1 certified. I passed the first exam last week (730/800), and the second one today (700/800). As a bonus, I also received the Novell/SUSE Certified Linux Administrator (CLA) certificate. So this is a nice first step.

I’ll be taking the SUSE Certified Linux Professional (CLP) and SUSE Certified Linux Engineer (CLE) exams next month. Before that, I plan on doing some more self-study and take the LPIC-2 exams as well.

From what I’ve seen so far the LPI exams are nice and fill up some blanks in my knowledge. Especially LPIC-1 wasn’t too hard and I had fun going through the objectives. In fact, I already started looking at the LPI-201 exam and am looking forward to it. I come across most objectives in my day-to-day work; some more often than others of course. It’s nice to learn a new command or parameter and be able to use it from then on to do your job better. That is going forward!

I’ll keep you posted..