Archives For 30 November 1999

kvm-logo-squareAs KVM seems more and more interesting, at work we wanted to do a Proof-of-Concept. The KVM hypervisor cluster had to be controlled by CloudStack and also integrate with NSX (formerly known as Nicira).

NSX is owned by VMware these days and is one of the first Software Defined Networking solutions. At Schuberg Philis we use this since early 2012.

Choosing an OS
To me, the most interesting part of KVM is the fact you only need a very basic Linux box with some tooling and you have a nice modern hypervisor ready to rock. Since we’re using CloudStack to orchestrate everything, we do not need cluster features. In fact, this prevents the “two captain” problem that we sometimes encounter with XenServer and VMware ESX. We compared Ubuntu with CentOS/RHEL and both work fine. It all depends on your needs.

Installing KVM
Installing the software is pretty straight forward:


yum install kvm libvirt python-virtinst qemu-kvm bridge-utils pciutils


apt-get install qemu-kvm libvirt-bin bridge-utils virt-manager openntpd

Installing Open vSwitch
Open vSwitch is a multilayer virtual switch and it brings a lot of flexibility in the way you can create interfaces and bridges in Linux. There are two options here. If you need STT tunnels, you need the NSX patched version of Open vSwitch. If you need VXLAN or GRE tunnels, you can use the open source version that comes with Ubuntu and CentOS. Both ship version 2.3.1 which works perfectly fine.


yum install openvswitch kmod-openvswitch


apt-get install openvswitch-switch

Configuring Open vSwitch
Instead of classic Linux bridges, we use Open vSwitch bridges. In our POC lab environment, we were using HP DL380 G9 servers that have 2 10Gbit NICs to two Arista switches. They run a LACP bond and on top of this we create the bridges for KVM to use. Because we setup the Open vSwitch networking over and over again while debugging and testing different OS’es, I wrote a script that can quickly configure networking. You can find it at Github.

To give some quick pointers:

Create a bridge:

ovs-vsctl add-br cloudbr0

Create an LACP bond:

ovs-vsctl add-bond cloudbr0 bond0 eno49 eno50\
bond_mode=balance-tcp lacp=active other_config:lacp-time=fast

Create a so-called fake bridge (with a VLAN tag):

ovs-vsctl add-br mgmt0 cloudbr0 123

Get an overview of current configuration:

ovs-vsctl show

Get an overview of current bond status:

ovs-appctl show/bond

Example output:

---- bond0 ----
bond_mode: balance-tcp
bond may use recirculation: yes, Recirc-ID : 300
bond-hash-basis: 0
updelay: 0 ms
downdelay: 0 ms
next rebalance: 9887 ms
lacp_status: negotiated
active slave mac: fc:00:00:f2:00(eno50)

slave eno49: enabled
 may_enable: true
 hash 139: 3 kB load

slave eno50: enabled
 active slave
 may_enable: true
 hash 101: 1 kB load
 hash 143: 5 kB load
 hash 214: 5 kB load
 hash 240: 5 kB load

Add hypervisor to NSX
For now I assume you already have a NSX cluster running capable of acting as a controller/manager for Open vSwitch. If you don’t know NSX, have a look because it’s awesome.

We do need to connect our Open vSwitch to the NSX cluster. To do that, you need a SSL certificate. This is how you generate one:

cd /etc/openvswitch
 ovs-pki req ovsclient
 ovs-pki self-sign ovsclient
 ovs-vsctl -- --bootstrap set-ssl \
 "/etc/openvswitch/ovsclient-privkey.pem" \
 "/etc/openvswitch/ovsclient-cert.pem" \

Next, add the hypervisor to NSX. You can either set the authentication to be ip-address based (it will then exchange certificates on connect) or copy/paste the certificate (ovsclient-cert.pem) to NSX at once. The first method allows for easier automation. I’m showing the UI here, but of course you can also use the API to add the hypervisor.

Setting authentication to be ip-address based (allow for automatic exchange of security certificates)

Setting authentication to be ip-address based (allow for automatic exchange of security certificates)


Setting authentication to use a security certificate (and provide one manually)

Setting authentication to use a security certificate (and provide one manually)


The final step is to connect Open vSwitch to NSX:

ovs-vsctl set-manager ssl:

Then NSX should show green lights and tunnels are being created.

To get an idea of what’s going on, you can run:

ovs-vsctl list manager
ovs-vsctl list controller
ovs-vsctl show

Debugging this can be done from the command line (check Open vSwitch logs) or from NSX.

Debugging in NSX is very nice

Debugging in NSX is very nice


At this point, NSX is controlling our Open vSwitch.

Setting up the CloudStack agent
When running KVM, CloudStack runs an agent on the hypervisor in order to configure VMs.

Installing the agent is simply installing a RPM or DEB package. Depending on the version you will use different repositories. At Schuberg Philis, we build our own packages that we serve in a repository.

Because we’re using Open vSwitch, some settings need to be tweaked in the file, found in /etc/cloudstack/agent.

echo "" \
>> /etc/cloudstack/agent/
echo "network.bridge.type=openvswitch" \
>> /etc/cloudstack/agent/

You may also want to set the log level to debug:

sed -i 's/INFO/DEBUG/g' /etc/cloudstack/agent/log4j-cloud.xml

CloudStack requires some KVM related settings to be tweaked:

# Libvirtd
echo 'listen_tls = 0' >> /etc/libvirt/libvirtd.conf
echo 'listen_tcp = 1' >> /etc/libvirt/libvirtd.conf
echo 'tcp_port = "16509"' >> /etc/libvirt/libvirtd.conf
echo 'mdns_adv = 0' >> /etc/libvirt/libvirtd.conf
echo 'auth_tcp = "none"' >> /etc/libvirt/libvirtd.conf
# libvirt-bin.conf
sed -i -e 's/libvirtd_opts="-d"/libvirtd_opts="-d -l"/' \
service libvirt-bin restart

# qemu.conf
sed -i -e 's/\#vnc_listen.*$/vnc_listen = ""/g' \

On CentOS 7 Systemd ‘co-mounts’ cpu,cpuacct cgroups, and this causes issues for launching a VM with libvirt. On the mailing list this is the suggested fix

Edit /etc/systemd/system.conf and pass empty string to JoinControllers parameter. Then rebuild the initramfs via ‘new-kernel-pkg –mkinitrd –install `uname -r`’.

Something I currently don’t like: SELinux and AppArmour need to be disabled. I will dive into this and get it fixed. For now, let’s continue:

#AppArmour (Ubuntu)
ln -s /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.libvirtd /etc/apparmor.d/disable/
ln -s /etc/apparmor.d/usr.lib.libvirt.virt-aa-helper /etc/apparmor.d/disable/
apparmor_parser -R /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.libvirtd
apparmor_parser -R /etc/apparmor.d/usr.lib.libvirt.virt-aa-helper

# SELinux (CentOS)
setenforce permissive
vim /etc/selinux/config

You can now add the host to CloudStack, either via de UI or the API.

Keep an eye on the agent log file:

less /var/log/cloudstack/agent/agent.log

After a few minutes, the hypervisor is added and you should be able to spin up virtual machines! 🙂

When we spin up a VM, CloudStack does the orchestration. So, CloudStack is the one to talk to NSX to provide the network (lswitch) and NSX communicates with Open vSwitch on the hypervisor. The VM is provisioned by CloudStack and KVM/Libvirt makes sure the right virtual interfaces are plugged in Open vSwitch. This way VMs on different hypervisors can communicate over their own private guest network. All dynamically created without manual configuration. No more VLANs!

If it does not work right away, look at the different log files and see what happens. There usually are hints that help you solve the problem.

KVM hypervisors can be connected to NSX and using Open vSwitch you can build a Software Defined Networking setup. CloudStack is the orchestrator that connects the dots for us. I’ve played with this setup for some time now and I find it very fast. We’ll keep testing and probably create some patches for CloudStack. Great to see that the first KVM related pull request I sent is already merged 🙂

Looking forward to more KVM!

niciralogoOur XenServer hypervisors use Nicira/NSX for Software Defined Networking (orchestrated by CloudStack).

We had to migrate from one controller to another and that could easily be done by changing the Open vSwitch configuration on the hypervisors, like this:

ovs-vsctl set-manager ssl:

It will then get a list of all nodes and use those to communicate.

Although this works, I found that when rebooting the hypervisor it would revert to the old setting. Also, when a pool master fail-over happened, Xapi ran a xe toolstack-restart and that caused the whole cluster to revert to the old setting. Oops.

Changing it in Xapi was the solution:

xe pool-set-vswitch-controller address=

Now the change is persistent 🙂

Due to the Ghost bug aka CVE-2015-0235, we had to upgrade 500+ system vm’s. We’re running CloudStack 4.4.2. The version of the systemvm template it uses was 4.4.1 and so we created 4.4.2 and used that instead. It was quite some work to get it done so we thought it was worth sharing how we did it in this blog. I did this work together with my Schuberg Philis colleague Daan Hoogland.

1. Build new CloudStack RPM’s with MinVRVersion set to 4.4.2
Basically this was a single digit change in a single file (api/src/com/cloud/network/


2. Build new systemvm with latest patches
Obviously we had to build a new systemvm template with this same version. We used the latest Debian 7 release:


And set the version also to 4.4.2:


3. Upload the template to CloudStack
Upload the template as admin user. We couldn’t use systemvm-xenserver-4.4 as a name, because it was already there. So we gave it a temporary name: systemvm-xenserver-4.4.2.

Wait until they are READY.

4. Stop CloudStack management servers
Unfortunately you need to stop CloudStack. First of all because we’re going to upgrade the RPM’s. Second to get the new template registered.

Also, since we will hack the SQL database in the next step (or should I say: we used the SQL-API) it’s better to do this when CloudStack is not running.

5. Hack the SQL database
When the templates are downloaded, we made the following changes:
– renamed systemvm-xenserver-4.4 to systemvm-xenserver-4.4-old
– renamed systemvm-xenserver-4.4.2 to systemvm-xenserver-4.4
– set the type of systemvm-xenserver-4.4.2 to SYSTEM

Get an overview with this query:

SELECT * FROM cloud.vm_template where type='SYSTEM';


Example of update query:

UPDATE `cloud`.`vm_template` SET `name`='systemvm-xenserver-4.4', `type`='SYSTEM' WHERE `id`='2152';
UPDATE `cloud`.`vm_template` SET `name`='systemvm-vmware-4.4', `type`='SYSTEM' WHERE `id`='2153';

As you can see, in our case the old and new template id’s were as follows:

1952: old template, 2152 new
1953: old template, 2153 new

Finally, you need to update the vm_template_id from old -> new like in this example:

UPDATE `cloud`.`vm_instance` SET `vm_template_id`='2152' WHERE `vm_template_id`='1952' and removed is NULL;
UPDATE `cloud`.`vm_instance` SET `vm_template_id`='2153' WHERE `vm_template_id`='1953' and removed is NULL;

6. Install new CloudStack RPM’s
Now that CloudStack is still down, upgrade the RPM’s. This is a quick install as there are almost no changes.

7. Start the management servers
It’s time to start the management servers again. When it’s ready, check the virtual routers:


All flags RequiresUpgrade are set!

8. Destroy SSVM and CP
We had to destroy the Secondary Storage VM’s and Console Proxies for them to get recreated with the new templates. Rebooting did not work.

9. Reboot routers
Just reboot your routers and they get upgraded automatically!

We used internal developed tooling to do this automated. The tools send maintenance notifications to the tenant when their router is upgraded (and when it’s finished). We’ll open source the tools in the coming months, so stay tuned!

I think we need an easier way to do this 😉

Happy patching!

git_logoWhen contributing to open source projects, it’s pretty common these days to fork the project on Github, add your contribution, and then send your work as a so-called “pull request” to the project for inclusion. It’s nice, clean and fast. I did this last week to contribute to Apache CloudStack. When I wanted to contribute again today, I had to figure out how to get my “forked” repo up-to-date before I could send a new contribution.

Remember, you can read/write to your fork but only-read from the upstream repository.

Adding upstream as a remote
When you clone your forked repo to a local development machine, you get it setup like this:

git remote -v
origin [email protected]:remibergsma/cloudstack.git (fetch)
origin [email protected]:remibergsma/cloudstack.git (push)

As this refers to the “static” forked version, no new commits come in. For that to happen, we need to add the original repo as an extra “remote” that we’ll call “upstream”:

git remote add upstream

Now, run the same command again and you’ll see two:

git remote -v
origin [email protected]:remibergsma/cloudstack.git (fetch)
origin [email protected]:remibergsma/cloudstack.git (push)
upstream (fetch)
upstream (push)

The cloned git repo is now configured to both the forked and the upstream repo.

Let’s fetch the updates from upstream:

git fetch upstream

Sample output:

remote: Counting objects: 151, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (123/123), done.
remote: Total 151 (delta 39), reused 0 (delta 0)
Receiving objects: 100% (151/151), 153.30 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (39/39), done.
   2f2ff4b..49cf2ac  4.4        -> upstream/4.4
   aca0f79..66b7738  4.5        -> upstream/4.5
* [new branch]      hotfix/4.4/CLOUDSTACK-8073 -> upstream/hotfix/4.4/CLOUDSTACK-8073
   85bb685..356793d  master     -> upstream/master
   b963bb1..36c0c38  volume-upload -> upstream/volume-upload

We now got the new updates in. Before you continue, be sure to be on the master branch:

git checkout master

Then we will rebase the new changes to our own master branch:

git rebase upstream/master

You can achieve the same by merging, but rebasing is usually cleaner and doesn’t add the extra merge commit.

Sample output:

Updating 4e1527e..356793d
Fast-forward                       | 12 ++++++++++++ | 33 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++                         |  2 +-                     |  5 +----
4 files changed, 47 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

Finally, update your fork at Github with the new commits:

git push origin master

Branches other than master
Imagine you want to track another branch and sync that as well.

git checkout -b 4.5 origin/4.5

This will setup a local branch called ‘4.5’ that is linked to ‘origin/4.5’.

If you want to get them in sync again later on, the workflow is similar to above:

git checkout 4.5
git fetch upstream
git rebase upstream/4.5
git push origin 4.5

Automating this process
I wrote this script to synchronise my clones with upstream:


# Sync upstream repo with fork repo
# Requires upstream repo to be defined

# Check if local repo is specified and exists
if [ -z $1 ]; then
 echo "Please specify repo to sync: $0 <dir>"
 exit 1
if [ ! -d $1 ]; then
 echo "Dir $1 does not exist!"
 exit 1

# Go into git repo and update
cd $1

# Check upstream
git remote -v | grep upstream >/dev/null 2>&1

if [ $RES -gt 0 ]; then
 echo "Upstream repo not defined. Please add it:
 git remote add"
 exit 1

# Update and push
git fetch upstream
git rebase upstream/master
git push origin master

Execute like this:

./ /path/to/git/repo


Happy contributing!

CloudMonkey is an easy way to interact with the CloudStack API without the need to do any code writing. Think of it like a way to “query” the CloudStack infrastructure. Very useful in day-to-day operations to get a “quick look” at things.

Version 5.3 is on its way, and recently I had a look at it. I used my MacBook Pro for this, and it came with some challenges to get it working. So, I’m writing down here how to get CloudMonkey 5.3 working on either MacOSX Mavericks (10.9) or the new Yosemite (10.10).

Installing CloudMonkey from source
Since I wanted to look at the latest (not yet released) version I used the source from git. If you want to use the latest stable version, please skip to the next section where I discuss installing using PIP.

Let’s install from source:

git clone

Something like this should happen:

Cloning into 'cloudstack-cloudmonkey'...
remote: Counting objects: 782, done.
remote: Total 782 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
Receiving objects: 100% (782/782), 236.67 KiB | 359.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (427/427), done.
Checking connectivity... done.

If it doesn’t work, you might need to install Git or install the Command Line Developer tools. Just follow the on-screen instructions and you’ll be fine.

Next, compile the source:

make build

It’ll give some output, and as long as it doesn’t error out you’re fine. Then install using sudo:

sudo make install

CloudMonkey has now been installed to /usr/local/bin.

Installing CloudMonkey from PIP
Alternatively, you can use PIP to install. PIP is a tool to easy install Python software and there’s a PIP for CloudMonkey as well. At the time of writing, there is a 5.2 version that you can install.

First install to the latest version of PIP:

sudo easy_install --upgrade pip

If CloudMonkey is already installed, uninstall it first (your config is saved):

sudo pip uninstall cloudmonkey

Then install it again:

sudo pip install cloudmonkey

Running CloudMonkey

To run it, just type:


 CloudMonkey should then welcome you:

When you see this, CloudMonkey is installed successfully.

When you see this, CloudMonkey is installed successfully.

On Mac OSX Yosemite this worked out-of-the box, although on Mavericks it did not:

Remis-MBP:git remi$ cloudmonkey 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/bin/cloudmonkey", line 5, in <module>
    from pkg_resources import load_entry_point
  File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Extras/lib/python/", line 2603, in <module>
  File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Extras/lib/python/", line 666, in require
    needed = self.resolve(parse_requirements(requirements))
  File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Extras/lib/python/", line 565, in resolve
    raise DistributionNotFound(req)  # XXX put more info here
pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: requests
Remis-MBP:git remi$

There’s a lot written on this online, but most stuff did not work for me. This did the trick for me:

sudo curl | python

It (re)installs ‘setuptools’ and that made it work.

Configuring CloudMonkey

Before CloudMonkey will do anything useful, you need to point it to a CloudStack API endpoint. I’m using my DevCloud environment here. The API keys can be generated in the UI:

Copy the API keys from the CloudStack UI

Copy the API keys from the CloudStack UI

If no keys are displayed, click the icon on the right to generate keys. Then setup CloudMonkey:

set apikey whMTYFZh3n7C4M8VCSpwEhpqZjYkzhYTufcpaLPH9hInYGTx4fOnrJ3dgL-3AZC_STMBUeTFQgqlETPEile4_A
set secretkey 9Z0S5-ryeoCworyp2x_tuhw5E4bAJ4JTRrpNaftTiAl488q5rvUt8_pG7LxAeg3m_VY-AafXQj-tVhkn9tFv1Q
set url

Make sure to copy your own keys, as the ones here will only work on my local test CloudStack environment.

Finally, test the connection by syncing the API’s. Run this inside CloudMonkey:


CloudMonkey responds:

466 APIs discovered and cached

Depending on your permissions (root, admin, user) and version of CloudStack, you’ll see more or less APIs being discovered.

A cool new (experimental) feature is tab completion, aka paramcompletion. Enable it like (run inside CloudMonkey):

set paramcompletion true

You’ll then be able to use the TAB key to auto-complete the UUIDs. Let me show you with an example:

CloudMonkey auto-complete feature in action (called paramcomplete)

CloudMonkey auto-complete feature in action (called paramcomplete)

I typed:

li<tab> vi<tab>m<tab> id<tab><tab>aa<tab><enter>

This auto-completes to the line you see in the image, and it displays the result as well.


CloudMonkey is a great tool to query the CloudStack infrastructure. Setting it up is not hard as we’ve seen. Justplay with it, and you’ll discover a great number of features. If you find bugs, be sure to contact Rohid Yadav, the author of CloudMonkey. The documentation can be found here.

Have fun with CloudMonkey!