Home-key in OSX-Terminal

18 February 2012 — 5 Comments

I’m working in Terminal a lot. Lately I more and more use my MacBook Pro instead of my Ubuntu desktop. I’d to overcome some small issues. One was the missing Home-key, which allows you to jump all the way to the left on the current line.

Although the Mac doesn’t have a Home key, its function is available by pressing Fn+Shift+Left Arrow. And even better: Fn+Shift+Right Arrow jumps all the way to the right.

I feel right at home! 🙂

5 responses to Home-key in OSX-Terminal


    I found this information very useful: http://kenyonralph.com/~kenyon/Mac_OS_X_Terminal.app/#index4h3

    Terminal > Preferences > Keyboard tab:
    (\033 = ESC)
    * home: \033[1~
    * end: \033[4~
    * page down: \033[6~
    * page up: \033[5~
    * shift page up: scroll to previous page in buffer
    * shift page down: scroll to next page in buffer
    * shift home: scroll to start of buffer
    * shift end: scroll to end of buffer
    * Use option as meta key: checked.


    The home binding is not working, it just does “~” characters

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