RRDtool: moving data between 32bit and 64bit architectures

30 April 2012 — 20 Comments

When you mix architectures (or are moving from 32bit to 64bit like me) and use RRDtool for statistics, you might run into this problem:

ERROR: This RRD was created on another architecture

You can solve this, to dump the RRD file on the server that created it to XML, like this:

rrdtool dump stats.rrd > stats.xml

Then transfer it to the new server, and convert it back to RRD:

rrdtool restore -f stats.xml stats.rrd

The  other server can now read the file. You can test it with the info command:

rrdtool info stats.rrd

Hope this helps someone!

PS: If you want to convert a whole directory to XML, use this little bash oneliner I created for this job:

for f in *.rrd; do rrdtool dump ${f} > ${f}.xml; done

20 responses to RRDtool: moving data between 32bit and 64bit architectures


    Thanks … this was very useful for me, specially the oneliner bash …. and for the same reason, I’ll share my restore oneliner bash.

    for f in *.xml; do rrdtool restore ${f} `echo ${f} | cut -f1 -d .`.rrd; done



      Great to hear Dago, and thanks for sharing! 🙂


      Just to pull up some skeletons, I’d suggest using parameter expansion instead of the backticks, something like:

      time for f in *.rrd; do rrdtool dump ${f} > ${f%%.rrd}.xml; done
      time for f in *.xml; do rrdtool restore ${f} ${f%%.xml}.rrd; done



      I should have read the comments first…I did come up with a oneliner too 🙂

      for f in *.xml; do g=`basename ${f} “.rrd.xml”` ; echo “processing $f $g”; rrdtool restore -f ${f} ${g}.rrd; done


    Hi, i have converted rrd files to xml on my old debian 6 32 bits machine and transfered them to the new debian 6 64 bits machine.
    when i tried to restored them to rrd, i received lot of errors and most of them where not converted.
    I can see some graphs displayed but not all of them.
    Also my poller on the new machine is not working at all knowing that the cron file is exactly the same as the old machine.
    i had rebuild poller cash and in the cacti log file i see nothing.
    please help.


      this is the error i am receiving:
      root@cacti:/var/lib/cacti/rra# for f in *.xml; do rrdtool restore ${f} `echo ${f} | cut -f1 -d .`.rrd; done
      idirect-nms_rxtcp_63.rrd.xml:4661: parser error : Comment not terminated
      <!– 201
      I think after this error the bash stops restoring the rest of the xml files.

      your help is highly appreciated.

        Remi Bergsma 13 June 2013 at 16:40


        Could you show the contents of the directory? Are there any files with spaces or so?


    Hi Remi,
    Can you please send me your email in order to attach the folder since it contains lot of files.
    please see also the cacti crontab job for the poller:
    */1 * * * * www-data php /usr/share/cacti/site/poller.php >/dev/null 2>/var/log/cacti/poller-error.log
    it is exactly the same as on the old machine but i see no logs in the cacti as if it is not polling.
    So far i was able to transfer cacti config files and cacti database to the new machine, i can see that the settings are the same as the old one.
    the only problem is the graphs and the poller not working.
    PS: i didnt mentioned any file with spaces in the xml files.



    Hi Remi
    now the poller (spine) is working and the graphs are graphing.
    i had to do the following:
    mysql> grant all on cacti.* to cacti@localhost identified by ‘passwrd’;
    However i still have this issue regarding the error when converting from xml to rra.
    so the graphs that were not converted back are now opening but i think they are created from scratch and history on those graphs will not be displayed.



    Brilliant; migrating munin data from 32 to 64 bits; needed this.
    Only caveat is that I needed to modify Dago’s restore string somewhat since the database files from munin contain lots of periods in their filenames; which broke the ‘cut’ statement in there. I simply used:

    for f in *.xml; do rrdtool restore ${f} `echo ${f} | sed s/\.xml//`; done


    Thanks for sharing. I’ve known the dump and restore commands but I never came across this error (cross architecture) before. The important info was, that the dump must be done on the server which created the rrd files. In my case I had to use a similar server with the same 32bit architecture as the creating server.


    thank you for posting this, was driving me nuts for like 2 minutes until I found this post.


    Thanks for this!

    thepoonaset 12 June 2016 at 19:04

    I had to convert x64 .rrd’s to an i386 machine and my RRD’s were in sub-directories under /tmp/data.
    Instead of trying to tell bash how many sub-dirs deep to look, just use find.
    This will prevent guessing how many sub-dirs deep to search with eyesores such as:
    for f in $1; do
    if [[ -d $f ]]; then
    (($2 ${f}.xml; done

    Convert back to .rrd on the i386 machine:
    find /tmp/data -type f -iname ‘*.xml’ -print0|while IFS= read -r -d ” f; do rrdtool restore ${f} `echo ${f} | cut -f1 -d .`.rrd -f; done


    Maybe old topic, but… be sure you have same locale on both machines as it influences xml serialization/deserialization. You may use: LANG=C before every rrdtool call like:

    for f in *.rrd; do LANG=C rrdtool dump ${f} > ${f}.xml; done

    with different locale you may have scaled/quantized results as floats from xml are misinterpreted.


      Even older but… Thank you VERY much for taking time to make that comment!!

      I can hardly believe it is not mentioned in the man pages.


    Great article, saved my life !

    However I see that no one knows shell parameter expansion…

    Backup :
    for i in *.rrd; do rrdtool dump $i > ${i%.*}.xml ; done
    => Dumps file.rdd to file.xml

    Restore :
    for i in *.xml; do rrdtool restore -f $i > ${i%.*}.rrd ; done
    => Restore file.xml to file.rrd


      Woops, restore line should be : (damn copy/paste)
      Great article, saved my life !

      Backup :
      for i in *.rrd; do rrdtool dump $i > ${i%.*}.xml ; done
      => Dumps file.rdd to file.xml

      Restore :
      for i in *.xml; do rrdtool restore -f $i ${i%.*}.rrd ; done
      => Restore file.xml to file.rrd

    Bastian Kainz 8 January 2019 at 20:13


    I run into an error like

    “ERROR” […] get_xml_double

    while restoring. Setting


    before and everything works fine.

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  1. RRDTool Error When Migrating Observium from 32bit to 64bit Server - GeekTank - August 26, 2016

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